1. Go to Cinema cine.room-house.com
2. Click anywhere on the page, see the list of halls. Select one and click.
3. Just watch the movie and wait a little.
4. A woman's voice: "Please, allow camera". Click on "Allow", because THIS IS A PROOF that you're not a bot.
5. All right, you see your camera. Say "Hello!"
6. Next, your camera goes off. Soon you hear the buzz and the woman's voice again: "Please receive airdrop".
7. Type "b" on the keyboard, or click the "chat" icon on a device screen. See the chat box, click on "+" in its top left corner. Copy and paste your account address from the Light Wallet into the "WRITE TO CHAT" text field. It always begins with "5", and it's 48 symbols long. When you pasted it, hit "Enter".
8. Check the Light Wallet, - your account's balance has changed. You've just received some random amount of coins, 1 to 10. Repeat the whole thing when in need of more coins.